With a talented sales force of over 20 years in the business of anesthesia, Trupharm is considered one of the leading companies of this field in Israel.
We are partners of the Israeli community of anesthesiologists and work with our partners on major fields of interests.
Airway Management
For over 20 years, GlideScope has been a trusted source and an innovator of video laryngoscope solutions. From single use to reusable, adult to pediatric, hyperregulated to traditional blade styles, Glideslope enables improved laryngeal exposure, lower lift force on patients, and higher first-pass success rates across a wide range of patient types and clinical settings.
Regional anesthesia under ultrasound
For the last 15 years regional anesthesia grew in Israel. Many anesthesia procedures have been done in regional and not general form, less narcotic drugs and quick convalescence. Trupharm is a market leader in echogenic needles of Temena in blocks under ultrasound and set in continuous blocks.